Rokcso's Blog

译> 101 条额外建议

本文由 AI 翻译,rokcso 修正。

原文链接:101 Additional Advices

Six years ago I celebrated my 68th birthday by gifting my children 68 bits of advice I wished I had gotten when I was their age. Every birthday after that I added more bits of advice for them until I had a whole book of bits. That book was published a year ago as Excellent Advice for Living, which many people tell me they read very slowly, just one bit per day. In a few days I will turn 73, so again on my birthday, I offer an additional set of 101 bits of advice I wished I had known earlier. None of these appear in the book; they are all new. If you enjoy these, or find they resonate with your own experience, there are 460 more bits in my Excellent Advice book, all neatly bound between hard covers, in a handy size, ready to gift to a person younger than yourself. – KK

6 年前,我在 68 岁生日时,给孩子们赠送了 68 条我希望在自己年轻时能收到的建议。在那之后的每一年生日,我都会增加更多的建议,最终汇编成一本书,一年前出版为《宝贵的人生建议》。许多读者告诉我,他们慢慢地品味这本书,每天只读一条建议。再过几天,我就 73 岁了,在这个特别的日子里,我再次提供一套额外的 101 条我希望早些知道的建议。这些都是全新的,不会出现在书中。如果你喜欢这些建议,或者觉得它们与你自己的经历产生共鸣,我的《宝贵的人生建议》书中还有 460 条建议,整齐地装订在硬装本中,尺寸方便,随时准备作为礼物送给比自己年轻的人。—— KK

  1. The best way to criticize something is to make something better.
  1. 最有效的批评不仅仅是指出问题,而是通过创造更好的替代品来展示如何改进。

  2. Admitting that “I don’t know” at least once a day will make you a better person.

  1. 每天至少一次坦承「我不懂」,这样的自我认知能够帮助我们保持谦逊和开放的心态,从而促进个人的成长和进步。

  2. Forget trying to decide what your life’s destiny is. That’s too grand. Instead, just figure out what you should do in the next 2 years.

  1. 不要试图去决定你一生的命运,那目标太过宏伟。而是应该专注于未来两年内你应该完成的具体事项。

  2. Aim to be effective, but unpredictable. That is, you want to act in a way that AIs have trouble modeling or imitating. That makes you irreplaceable.

  1. 追求效率,同时保持行为的不可预测性。这样做可以让 AI 难以模仿你的行为模式,从而确保你的独特价值和不可替代的地位。

  2. Whenever you hug someone, be the last to let go.

  1. 与人拥抱时,总是让对方先结束拥抱,这表现出你对他们的关怀和对关系的珍视。

  2. Don’t save up the good stuff (fancy wine, or china) for that rare occasion that will never happen; instead use them whenever you can.

  1. 不要把好酒或精美餐具等留到那些罕见的重要时刻;而是应该抓住每一个可以享受它们的机会,让日常生活也充满特殊的意义。

  2. The best gardening advice: find what you can grow well and grow lots and lots of it.

  1. 园艺的秘诀在于:识别并专注于那些你能够培育得很好的植物,然后大量种植它们。

  2. Never hesitate to invest in yourself—to pay for a class, a course, a new skill. These modest expenditures pay outsized dividends.

  1. 不要犹豫于自我投资 —— 无论是报名参加课程、培训班还是学习新技能。这些初期的适度投入,最终会以更大的收益回馈于你。

  2. Try to define yourself by what you love and embrace, rather than what you hate and refuse.

  1. 尽量用你所热爱和接纳的事物来塑造自我,而不是让憎恨和拒绝来界定你。这样的自我定义会更加积极和充满正能量。

  2. Read a lot of history so you can understand how weird the past was; that way you will be comfortable with how weird the future will be.

  1. 广泛阅读历史,理解过去的非凡与怪异,这样你就能更好地适应未来可能出现的任何奇异变化。

  2. To make a room luxurious, remove things, rather than add things.

  1. 打造一个豪华房间的秘诀在于精简而非堆砌。

  2. Interview your parents while they are still alive. Keep asking questions while you record. You’ll learn amazing things. Or hire someone to make their story into an oral history, or documentary, or book. This will be a tremendous gift to them and to your family.

  1. 及时记录父母的故事,无论是通过访谈还是其他形式,都是给予他们的最好礼物,也是家族的宝贵财富。

  2. If you think someone is normal, you don’t know them very well. Normalcy is a fiction. Your job is to discover their weird genius.

  1. 若你视某人为普通,说明你还未真正洞悉他们。「普通」不过是个幻象。你的任务应该是去探索并珍视他们那些独特的、与众不同的才华。

  2. When shopping for anything physical (souvenirs, furniture, books, tools, shoes, equipment), ask yourself: where will this go? Don’t buy it unless there is a place it can live. Something may need to leave in order for something else to come in.

  1. 购买实物商品时,先自问这将安置于何处。若无合适位置,便不宜购买。有时,为了迎接新物品的到来,可能需要先舍弃一些已有的东西。

  2. You owe everyone a second chance, but not a third.

  1. 你应该觉得有义务给每个人一次改过的机会,但并非有义务给予第三次。

  2. When someone texts you they are running late, double the time they give you. If they say they’ll be there in 5, make that 10; if 10, it’ll be 20; if 20, count on 40.

  1. 当别人发信息说他要迟到时,不妨将他们承诺的时间翻倍计算。若说 5 分钟到,就预计 10 分钟;若说 10 分钟,就预计 20 分钟;若说 20 分钟,那就做好 40 分钟的准备。这样你就不会对他们的迟到感到太意外了。

  2. Multitasking is a myth. Don’t text while walking, running, biking or driving. Nobody will miss you if you just stop for a minute.

  1. 所谓的多任务处理并不存在。当你在走路、跑步、骑车或开车时,不要分心发短信。如果你暂时停下来,没有人会因为你的这一分钟缺席而感到遗憾。安全和专注总比遗憾要好。

  2. You can become the world’s best in something primarily by caring more about it than anyone else.

  1. 在任何领域,你都有可能通过比他人更加投入和热爱,成为该领域的世界级顶尖人物。

  2. Asking “what-if?” about your past is a waste of time; asking “what-if?” about your future is tremendously productive.

  1. 对过去的事情进行「如果…会怎么样?」的假设是无意义的;而对未来进行同样的假设则能够激发创造力和前瞻性,是极具生产力的。

  2. Try to make the kind of art and things that will inspire others to make art and things.

  1. 创作那些能够激发他人创作热情的艺术或物品。

  2. Once a month take a different route home, enter your house by a different door, and sit in a different chair at dinner. No ruts.

  1. 每月至少一次,尝试改变回家的路线,换个门进家,晚餐时换个座位。这样的小变化有助于打破生活的常规,避免陷入一成不变的模式。

  2. Where you live—what city, what country—has more impact on your well being than any other factor. Where you live is one of the few things in your life you can choose and change.

  1. 你选择居住的城市或国家对你的幸福感有着极大的影响,这是你生活中少数可以自由选择并进行改变的因素。因此,选择一个适合你的居住地是提升生活质量的关键。

  2. Every now and then throw a memorable party. The price will be steep, but long afterwards you will remember the party, whereas you won’t remember how much is in your checking account.

  1. 偶尔举办一场难忘的派对。虽然成本可能不菲,但长远来看,你将铭记那些欢乐时光,而不会记得你银行账户里的确切数字。

  2. Most arguments are not really about the argument, so most arguments can’t be won by arguing.

  1. 大多数争论的实质并不在于争论的话题本身,因此,仅靠辩论很难真正解决这些争论。理解争论背后的真正原因,往往比争论本身更为关键。

  2. The surest way to be successful is to invent your own definition of success. Shoot your arrows first and then paint a bull’s eye around where they land. You’re the winner!

  1. 确保成功的最佳方法是创造你自己对成功的定义。先射箭,然后在箭落的地方画上靶心。你就是赢家!

  2. When remodeling a home interior use big pieces of cardboard to mock-up your alterations at life size. Seeing things, such as counters, at actual size will change your plans, and it is so much easier to make modifications with duct tape and scissors.

  1. 在重新设计家居内部布局时,不妨用大块纸板按照实际尺寸制作模型。这样,你可以直观地感受到诸如台面等元素的真正大小,这可能会让你重新考虑设计方案。而且,使用胶带和剪刀对纸板模型进行调整要简单得多。

  2. There should be at least one thing in your life you enjoy despite being no good at it. This is your play time, which will keep you young. Never apologize for it.

  1. 生活中应该有至少一项你热爱的活动,哪怕你并不擅长。这段时间是你的娱乐时刻,它能帮助你保持年轻。对于这样的爱好,永远无需感到抱歉。

  2. Changing your mind about important things is not a consequence of stupidity, but a sign of intelligence.

  1. 在重大事项上改变看法不是愚蠢的表现,而是聪明的象征。这显示了一个人能够根据新的信息和理解来调整自己的立场。

  2. You have 5 minutes to act on a new idea before it disappears from your mind.

  1. 新想法出现时,要抓住最初的 5 分钟迅速行动,以免遗忘。

  2. What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important. To get the important stuff done, avoid the demands of the urgent.

  1. 真正重要的事情往往不紧迫,而紧迫的事情往往不重要。要完成重要的事务,就要避免被紧急事务所左右。

  2. Three situations where you’ll never regret ordering too much: when you are pouring concrete, when you are choosing a battery, and when you are getting ice for a party.

  1. 以下 3 种情况,你多准备一些绝不会后悔:浇筑混凝土时,选购电池时,以及为派对准备冰块时。


  1. The patience you need for big things, is developed by your patience with the little things.
  1. 对小事的耐心是培养对大事耐心的基石。

  2. Don’t fear failure. Fear average.

  1. 不必畏惧失败,真正应该警惕的是平庸无为。

  2. When you are stuck or overwhelmed, focus on the smallest possible thing that moves your project forward.

  1. 遇到困境或感到压力过大时,专注于那些能够推动项目前进的小事。这样做可以帮助你逐步摆脱僵局,重新取得进展。

  2. In a museum you need to spend at least 10 minutes with an artwork to truly see it. Aim to view 5 pieces at 10 minutes each rather than 100 at 30 seconds each.

  1. 在博物馆欣赏艺术时,应至少花费 10 分钟来仔细观察每一件作品,以真正领略其内涵。与其匆忙浏览众多作品,不如只看五件作品,每件专注欣赏 10 分钟。

  2. For steady satisfaction, work on improving your worst days, rather than your best days.

  1. 要想获得持久的满足感,应该致力于提升那些最不如意的日子,而不是那些最好的时光。

  2. Your decisions will become wiser when you consider these three words: “…and then what?” for each choice.

  1. 在做选择时,问问自己「然后呢?」,这样可以让你的决策更富有远见。

  2. If possible, every room should be constructed to provide light from two sides. Rooms with light from only one side are used less often, so when you have a choice, go with light from two sides.

  1. 在设计房间时,应尽可能确保可以从两个方向引入自然光。单一光源的房间往往使用率不高,因此在有选择的情况下,优先考虑两侧都能采光的设计。

  2. Never accept a work meeting until you’ve seen the agenda and know what decisions need to be made. If no decisions need to be made, skip the meeting.

  1. 参加会议前应先了解议程和决策需求,无决策内容的会议可选择不参加。

  2. You have no obligation to like everyone, and you are free to intensely dislike a person. But you owe everyone—even those you dislike—basic respect.

  1. 尽管我们有权利选择喜欢或不喜欢某人,但对所有人保持基本的尊重是应该的。

  2. When you find yourself procrastinating, don’t resist. Instead lean into it. Procrastinate 100%. Try to do absolutely nothing for 5 minutes. Make it your job. You’ll fail. After 5 minutes, you’ll be ready and eager to work.

  1. 面对拖延,不妨彻底放松 5 分钟,之后你可能会更有动力和效率。

  2. If you want to know how good a surgeon is, don’t ask other doctors. Ask the nurses.

  1. 如果你想了解一个外科医生的技术有多好,不要问其他医生。问护士。

  2. There is a profound difference between thinking less of yourself (not useful), and thinking of yourself less (better).

  1. 自我轻视(没有用)和减少对自我的关注(更好)之间有着深刻的差异。


  1. Strong opinions, clearly stated, but loosely held is the recipe for an intellectual life. Always ask yourself: what would change my mind?
  1. 拥有坚定而明确的观点,但同时保持开放和灵活的态度,是知识探索的精髓。始终自问:什么情况会让我改变看法?

  2. You can not truly become yourself, by yourself. Becoming one-of-a-kind is not a solo job. Paradoxically you need everyone else in the world to help make you unique.

  1. 你无法独自实现自我成长。成为独一无二的个体并非单打独斗所能达成。矛盾的是,你需要世界上其他人的参与和帮助,才能塑造你的独特性。

  2. If you need emergency help from a bystander, command them what to do. By giving them an assignment, you transform them from bewildered bystander to a responsible assistant.

  1. 在紧急情况下求助于旁观者时,要明确指示他们执行具体的行动。通过赋予他们特定的任务,可以将他们的角色从迷茫的旁观者转变为能够提供有效帮助的行动者。

  2. The most common mistake we make is to do a great job on an unimportant task.

  1. 我们常犯的错误之一,是在一些不那么重要的事务上投入过多的精力,而忽略了那些真正关键的任务。

  2. Don’t work for a company you would not invest money in, because when you are working you are investing the most valuable thing you have: your time.

  1. 选择工作时,不应选择你不愿意投入金钱的公司,因为你投入的是比金钱更宝贵的 —— 你的时间。

  2. Fail fast. Fail often. Fail forward. Failing is not a disgrace if you keep failing better.

  1. 迅速面对失败,频繁地从失败中学习,并且要将每次失败作为向前迈进的一步。只要你在失败中不断进步,失败本身就不是羞耻。

  2. Doing good is its own reward. When you do good, people will question your motive, and any good you accomplish will soon be forgotten. Do good anyway.

  1. 做好事本身就是一种奖赏。尽管人们可能会质疑你的动机,或者很快忘记你的善行,但你仍应该坚持行善。

  2. Best sleep aid: first, get really tired.

  1. 要想获得最佳的睡眠效果,首先要确保自己真正感到疲倦。

  2. For every success there is a corresponding non-monetary tax of some kind. To maintain success you have to gladly pay these taxes.

  1. 每一个成功背后,都有其对应的非金钱成本。要维持成功,你需要乐意支付这些成本。

  2. Do not cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it.

  1. 不要因为沉没成本而坚持错误。

  2. For small tasks the best way to get ready is to do it immediately.

  1. 对于小任务,立即行动往往是最有效的准备方法。

  2. If someone is calling you to alert you to fraud, nine out of ten times they are themselves the fraudster. Hang up. Call the source yourself if concerned.

  1. 接到声称提醒你防诈骗的电话时,很可能对方就是骗子。不要轻信,直接挂断。如有疑虑,应自行联系相关方核实。

  2. When you try to accomplish something difficult, surround yourself with friends.

  1. 面对挑战时,朋友的支持是你最好的陪伴。

  2. You should be willing to look foolish at first, in order to look like a genius later.

  1. 不要害怕一开始的笨拙,这是通往成为专家的必经之路。

  2. Think in terms of decades, and act in terms of days.

  1. 以数十年的视角来规划,以每一天的行动来落实。

  2. The most selfish thing in the world you can do is to be generous. Your generosity will return you ten fold.

  1. 在这个世界上,行善其实是一种最「利己」的行为,因为你的善举最终将以更大的回报回馈于你。


  1. Discover people whom you love doing “nothing” with, and do nothing with them on a regular basis. The longer you can maintain those relationships, the longer you will live.
  1. 找到那些即使什么都不做,你也享受与他们相处的人,并经常与他们共度时光。这些关系的持久性,对你的健康和寿命都有积极影响。

  2. Forget diamonds; explore the worlds hidden in pebbles. Seek the things that everyone else ignores.

  1. 不要只追求像钻石那样耀眼的东西,而应该去探索那些隐藏在普通鹅卵石中的奇妙世界。去追寻那些常被世人忽略的事物。

  2. Write your own obituary, the one you’d like to have, and then everyday work towards making it true.

  1. 撰写你理想中的讣告,然后每天为之努力,使之成为现实。

  2. Avoid making any kind of important decision when you are either hungry, angry, lonely, or tired (HALT). Just halt when you are HALT.

  1. 当你感到饥饿、愤怒、孤独或疲惫时,不要做重要决策。这些情绪状态可能会影响你的判断,所以应该等到自己状态好转时再做决定。

  2. What others want from you is mostly to be seen. Let others know you see them.

  1. 他人对你的期待,往往是希望你能看到他们的存在。让他们感受到你的认可和关注。

  2. Working differently is usually more productive than working harder.

  1. 改变工作方法通常比单纯努力工作更能提高效率。

  2. When you try something new, don’t think of it as a matter of success / failure, but as success / learning to succeed.

  1. 尝试新事物时,不应只以成功或失败来定义,而应看到每一次尝试都是成功的一部分,或是通往成功的学习过程。

  2. If you have a good “why” to live for, no “how” will stop you.

  1. 如果你对为何而活有深刻的理解,那么任何如何去活的难题都无法阻挡你。

  2. If you are out of ideas, go for a walk. A good walk empties the mind—and then refills it with new stuff.

  1. 若陷入创意枯竭,不妨出去走走。一场好的漫步能够清空你的思绪,随后为你的大脑注入新的灵感。

  2. The highest form of wealth is deciding you have enough.

  1. 真正的富足不在于拥有多少,而在于对所拥有的感到满足。

  2. Education is overly expensive. Gladly pay for it anyway, because ignorance is even more expensive.

  1. 教育可能代价不菲,但仍应欣然投资,因为无知的成本更加高昂。

  2. The cheapest therapy is to spend time with people who make you laugh.

  1. 最经济的疗愈方式是与那些能让你开怀大笑的人共度时光。

  2. Always be radically honest, but use your honesty as a gift not as a weapon. Your honesty should benefit others.

  1. 始终保持极度的诚实,但要将这种诚实作为赠予他人的礼物,而不是作为伤害他们的工具。你的真诚应当是助人的。

  2. A good sign that you are doing the kind of work you should be doing is that you enjoy the tedious parts that other people find tortuous.

  1. 如果你能享受那些通常被他人视为乏味的工作部分,这通常是你正在做适合自己工作的明显迹象。

  2. Being envious is a toxin. Instead take joy in the success of others and treat their success as your gain. Celebrating the success of others costs you nothing, and increases the happiness of everyone, including you.

  1. 嫉妒如同毒素,应当避免。不妨为他人的成功感到欣喜,并将其看作是自己的收获。为他人的成就喝彩,你无需付出任何代价,却能增进所有人的快乐,包括你自己。

  2. The more persistent you are, the more chances you get to be lucky.

  1. 持之以恒的人,往往更容易与好运不期而遇。

  2. To tell a good story, you must reveal a surprise; otherwise it is just a report.

  1. 讲述一个引人入胜的故事,需要加入一些出人意料的元素;否则,它就只能算是一篇普通的报告。

  2. Small steps matter more when you play a long game because a long horizon allows you to compound small advances into quite large achievements.

  1. 在长期的追求中,小步前进的价值更为显著,因为长远的时间跨度可以将这些小进步累积成显著的成就。

  2. If you are more fortunate than others, build a longer table rather than a taller fence.

  1. 幸运之人应当搭建共享的桥梁,而非隔绝他人的藩篱。

  2. Many fail to finish, but many more fail to start. The hardest work in any work is to start. You can’t finish until you start, so get good at starting.

  1. 许多人没有坚持到最后,但更多的人甚至没有开始。在任何工作中,迈出第一步往往是最艰难的。没有开始,就没有完成,因此要勇于迈出第一步。。

  2. Work on your tone. Often ideas are rejected because of the tone of voice they are wrapped in. Humility covers many blemishes.

  1. 沟通中的语气和内容同等重要,谦逊能够帮助你更好地传达观点。

  2. When you are right, you are learning nothing.

  1. 当你确信自己是对的时候,可能正是你需要学习的时刻。

  2. Very small things accumulate until they define your larger life. Carefully choose your everyday things.

  1. 生活中的细微之处会逐渐累积,最终塑造你的整个人生。因此,要慎重选择你的日常习惯和行为。

  2. It is impossible to be curious and furious at the same time, so avoid furious.

  1. 好奇心与愤怒不会共存,保持好奇心意味着你愿意开放地探索和学习,而愤怒则可能导致思维的封闭和沟通的障碍。因此应避免愤怒的情绪。

  2. College is not about grades. No one cares what grades you got in college. College is about exploring. Just try stuff.

  1. 大学教育的真谛不在于分数,而在于探索和尝试。不要过分关注成绩,而是要勇于尝试新事物。

  2. Weird but true: If you continually give, you will continually have.

  1. 虽然听起来有些奇怪,但事实确实如此:持续的给予会让你持续地获得。

  2. To clean up your city, sweep your doorstep first.

  1. 一屋不扫,何以扫天下。

  2. Decisions like to present themselves as irreversible, like a one-way door. But most deciding points are two-way. Don’t get bogged down by decisions. You can usually back up if needed.

  1. 决策并非总是不可逆,不必过分纠结,必要时你总有机会重新选择。

  2. Every mistake is an opportunity to improvise.

  1. 将错误视为探索新可能的契机,而不是失败的标志。

  2. You’ll never meet a very successful pessimistic person. If you want to be remarkable, get better at being optimistic.

  1. 你很难找到一个既悲观又极其成功的人。若想成就非凡,学会保持乐观至关重要。

  2. You can’t call it charity unless no one is watching.

  1. 真正的慈善是在无人注意时进行的,而不是为了得到他人的注意。

  2. When you think of someone easy to despise—a tyrant, a murderer, a torturer—don’t wish them harm. Wish that they welcome orphans into their home, and share their food with the hungry. Wish them goodness, and by this compassion you will increase your own happiness.

  1. 对那些容易让人鄙视的人,不要心怀报复,而应祝愿他们行善。通过这种慈悲,你将提升自己的幸福感。

  2. Get good at being corrected without being offended.

  1. 培养一种心态,能够在被指正时保持平和,不感到被冒犯,这样你将更乐于接受有益的建议。

  2. The week between Christmas and New Years was invented to give you the perfect time to sharpen your kitchen knives, vacuum your car, and tidy the folders on your desktop.

  1. 圣诞到新年的空档期是处理家务和整理文件的绝佳时机。

  2. There is no formula for success, but there are two formulas for failure: not trying and not persisting.

  1. 成功无定式,失败却常因不尝试或不坚持。

  2. We tend to overrate the value of intelligence.You need to pair your IQ with other virtues. The most important things in life can not be attained through logic only.

  1. 智力虽重要,但须与其它美德结合,因为生活中最重要的追求超越了逻辑的范畴。

  2. If you are impressed with someone’s work, you should tell them, but even better, tell their boss.

  1. 对他人工作的赞赏,不仅要说给本人听,更要传达给他们的领导。

  2. In matters of the heart, one moment of patience can save you years of regret.

  1. 面对感情的抉择,耐心片刻往往能免去长久的遗憾。

  2. Humility is mostly about being very honest about how much you owe to luck.

  1. 真正的谦逊,在于诚实地承认自己的成功中有多大部分得益于运气。

  2. Slow progress is still a million times better than no progress.

  1. 即使进展缓慢,也远胜于毫无进展。

  2. Recipe for greatness: expect much of yourself and little of others.

  1. 追求卓越:严于律己,宽以待人

  2. The very best way to win a friend is to be one.

  1. 要赢得朋友,先要成为值得交的朋友。
