Rokcso's blog

译> Bear Blog 宣言


我尤其喜欢当前这个主题(其实本质是喜欢 Bear Blog),同样也非常认可 Bear Blog 的理念,比如:隐私优先、文字为主、简洁快速等等;而最近 Bear Blog 的创始人 Herman Martinus 分享了他对 Bear Blog 的愿景和承诺。

本文由 rokcso 翻译,AI 修正。

原文链接:The Bear Manifesto

Given recent events in the blogging space (hello to all Cohost and Wordpress refugees), I wanted to take a moment to share my vision and commitments for Bear.

近期博客圈动荡不断(欢迎所有从 Cohost 和 Wordpress 逃离的朋友们),我想借此机会分享一下我对 Bear 的愿景和承诺。

First things first: Bear isn’t going anywhere. No sudden shutdowns, no surprise acquisitions, no pivot to becoming an AI-powered metaverse blockchain solution. Just simple, clean blogging—now and in the future.

首先明确表态:Bear 会一直在这里。没有突然关停,没有意外收购,也不会转型为 AI 驱动的元宇宙区块链解决方案。我们始终专注于提供简洁纯粹的博客服务 —— 现在如此,未来亦然。


The promises

  1. Bear won’t shut down. Period. I’ve seen too many great platforms disappear overnight, leaving their communities scrambling. This is made worse when the platform is your personal garden and online neighbourhood. That won’t happen here. Bear is built to last.
    永不关停:我目睹过太多优秀的平台一夜消失,让用户手忙脚乱。当这个平台承载着你的精神花园和线上社区时,这种情况尤其令人心碎。Bear 将打破这种循环 —— 我们是为持久存在而生的。
  2. Bear won’t sell. I’m not building this to flip it to the highest bidder. No VC funding, no external pressures, no “exit strategy.” Bear is independent and will stay that way.
    永不出售:我创建 Bear 不是为了转手卖给最高出价者。这里没有风险投资、没有外部压力、也没有所谓的「退出策略」。Bear 始终保持独立,并将永远如此。
  3. Bear won’t show ads. Your blog is your space. No flashy banners will suddenly appear one day, and no sponsored content. Just your words, your way.


Built to last

Bear isn’t just a weekend project—it’s built with longevity in mind. The codebase is intentionally simple and maintainable. The infrastructure is robust and redundant. Everything is backed up religiously (and then backed up again, just to be sure).

Bear 不是心血来潮的业余项目 —— 我们从架构设计之初就 着眼于长远。代码库经过精心设计,简洁且易于维护;基础设施稳健且具备冗余备份;所有数据都经过严格备份(甚至双重备份,只为万无一失)。

I’m not just thinking about next week or next month. I’m thinking about Bear being around in 10, 20, 50 years. That means making smart technical choices now that won’t paint Bear into a corner later.

我考虑的不仅是下周或下个月,而是未来 10 年、20 年乃至 50 年 Bear 的持续运营。这意味着我们现在做出的每个技术决策,都要确保不给未来的发展埋下隐患。

In this way, Bear doesn’t have explicit integrations with other tools and infrastructure. It is self-reliant with the ability for users to customise their blogs and build out those integrations as they see fit. So while it is possible to integrate blogs with newsletter tools, Mastodon, Bluesky, and The Fediverse at large, it’s not the default.

因此,Bear 不会主动与其他工具或平台深度绑定。我们坚持自主可控,同时允许用户根据需求自行定制博客、搭建集成方案。虽然你可以将博客与邮件订阅工具、Mastodon、Bluesky 乃至整个联邦宇宙(Fediverse)连接,但这些都不会成为默认设置。


Planning for the future

This is a morbid topic for me to write about: what happens to Bear if something happens to me? I’ve got that covered too. There’s a detailed succession plan in place, including:

虽然这个话题让我感到沉重,但必须直面现实:如果我发生意外,Bear 将何去何从?对此我已做好周全准备:

So if I were to be incapacitated in any way, the platform will live on.

即使我因故无法继续运营,Bear 依然会继续存在。


Legal structure

I’ve recently chatted to a few bloggers and legal professionals on what a good structure looks like for a project like this. And the common theme was that the legal structure didn’t matter nearly as much as the intentions of the people running things. We’ve seen our fair share of open-source projects become sour (see the recent Wordpress drama) or abandoned entirely. We’ve seen OpenAI become ClosedAI. There’s a common thread here. Trust isn’t just a legal structure, but a social contract.

近期我咨询了多位博主和法律人士,探讨最适合此类项目的法律架构。得到的共识是:比起任何法律形式,运营者的初心更为重要。我们见过太多开源项目变质(比如最近的 Wordpress 争议)或被彻底遗弃,也目睹了 OpenAI 变成 ClosedAI。这些案例揭示了一个真理:信任不仅建立在法律架构上,更是一种社会契约。

With this is mind, Bear will continue to run as a PTY LTD where the company exchanges some extra add-ons for money, and uses that money to maintain and improve the infrastructure (and allows me to focus on Bear full time). Perhaps a more fitting legal structure will present itself in the future. If you have any ideas please pop me an email.

基于此,Bear 将继续以私人有限公司(PTY LTD)形式运营。公司通过提供增值服务获得收入,这些资金将用于维护和升级基础设施(也让我能全职投入 Bear 的研发)。未来或许会出现更合适的法律架构,欢迎通过邮件分享你的见解。

I’ve also been thinking about what kinds of organisations last the longest, and there are a few that come to mind:


I’m not sure how this information is best applied, but it’s telling that ‘growth at all costs’ inevitably leads to the dissolution of the company.



The bottom line

Bear is doing great. Not in terms of market share or valuations, but in staying true to what matters: giving people a reliable, simple, and independent place to share their thoughts online.

Bear 发展得很健康 —— 这不是指市场份额或估值,而是我们始终坚守初心:为人们提供一个可靠、简洁、独立的在线表达空间。

If you’re tired of platforms that treat you like a product, welcome home. Bear is here to stay.

如果你厌倦了把你当作商品的平台,欢迎回家。Bear 将永远在这里守候。

Keep blogging,


Herman Martinus
Creator of Bear
