🧰 My Toolbox (Apps)
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The rating for each app represents the intensity of my need for it, graded as follows:
Rating | Degree |
❤️ | Essential, no other products can replace it at the moment. |
👍 | Preferred, but occasionally requires complementary products of the same type to fully meet my needs. |
Raycast ❤️
A launcher, modern, fast, cool, supporting a plethora of extensions; I’ve also tried the venerable and renowned Alfred, but I just couldn’t get used to it 😅.
Oh, by the way, if you’re using Feishu (Lark), you can try the Raycast extension I developed, Feishu Document Creator, which allows you to create new Feishu documents with just one click.
In Raycast, I also have some frequently used extensions:
- Color Picker: Mainly used for color picking;
- Random Data Generator: Generate various placeholder data during development;
- Sink Short Links Manager: Manage my self-deployed Sink short links, for deployment methods, refer to the article “如何在 Cloudflare 部署 Sink 短链接服务”.
🎁 Special Offer: Use this link to sign up for Raycast Pro and receive a 10% discount on the subscription fee.
用了好多年的输入法,可以做到 100% 私人定制的输入法,我的配置可参考 我的 Rime 输入法配置方案 这篇文章。
因为本身是 开源项目,所以能找到几乎任何设备对应的 客户端。
Bob ❤️
The core functions are translation & OCR, ready to use out of the box, but also support a wide range of extended services. I configured Tencent Translation and DeepSeek Translation for comparison, while OCR uses the system’s built-in OCR service.
Before version 1.0.0, the community edition of Bob was completely free. Later, it was upgraded to the store edition, offering a free trial, with a one-time purchase for the paid version, a worthwhile investment.
Ghostty ❤️
Terminal emulator, powerful and aesthetically pleasing, cross-platform, ready to use out of the box, which is great for me as a non-heavy daily terminal user.
The user experience can be elevated to a new level with simple configuration. I used the configuration file shared by @Geek.
Zipic 👍
Image compression app, high compression yet high fidelity, purely local compression, native system experience. I once batch compressed thousands of images at once, fast, smooth, and satisfying!
There are even automation and APIs that can be used in conjunction with Raycast for more efficient operation.
🎁 Special Offer: Purchase a License using this link and apply the discount code AFFILIATE10
to receive a
10% fee reduction.